Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pullman Washington Real Estate -- Selling Your Home (Part 2)

Pullman WA Real Estate -- Selling Your Home (Part 2)

Lori Cofer, "Your Pullman Real Estate Connection"

Lori Cofer Realtor Pullman WA

You and your REALTOR® are a team with a common goal...selling your home! Your REALTOR® spends time each day marketing your property, analyzing your competition, previewing properties and showing properties such as yours to potential buyers. They use this knowledge to benefit you, their client, from the time you entrust the listing of your home to them to the day of closing! I know I do!

Selling Your PullmanWA Home

You, as the seller, have a very important role in the process. You set the stage with a great first impression!!! If you stop to think about it, your buyer will most likely spend anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes in your home before moving on to see another home. That is not very long time. So you want to WOW your buyers, so they linger in your home and want to come back for another look!

Selling Your PullmanWA Home

Previously we looked at ways to get the outside of your house in tip top market shape! We all want to be proud of our home when we pull in the drive, right? This is your first chance to impress your buyer and get them to WANT to come inside! And you won't sell your house if they don't!

Living Room PullmanWA Home

So now lets move inside! Start at the front door and take a good hard look at your house. As you do, ask yourself, "If I were buying this house, what would my impression be?" Put yourself in your buyer's shoes! START THINKING LIKE A BUYER! With that in mind, go to work and get your home ready to tell your buyer ..."Yes, Mr or Mrs. Buyer...I have a great home and I want to SELL my home to YOU!" The next few parts of this series will provide tips to help you do just that!

Selling Your PullmanWA HomeGet it Repaired! - Neglected repairs give a bad impression. They tell a story that doesn't have a good outcome. If minor repairs such as doors that stick and switches that don't work are neglected, how about the big stuff? So get those repairs done!

Get rid of clutter! We all acquire way too much stuff! Now is the time to make a fresh start. You are moving anyway, right? So think in terms of, do I want to move this? If not, get rid of it! And pack everything you can and put it in storage! Not only will you be that much closer to moving, but ready to move quickly if need be!

Remove excess furniture! Remember, less is better! When a REALTOR® brings a clients to tour your home, they are moving in large groups of people all at once. Buyer's want to appreciate the spaces your house has to offer. And they want to feel the flow of the rooms too! You want a free and spacious feeling as you move through the home. And don't be afraid to be creative and move furniture around a bit! And try different angels as well! Have some fun!

De-personalize! Ask yourself, "Is my personality reflected in this room"? If so, take it down! You want the buyer to SEE THEMSELVES living in the home, not how you lived in the home! They aren't looking for a home for you, but a home for THEM!

Think Neutral! Ask yourself, "How does the paint look? Is it neutral? Or has it seen better days?" Paint provides amazing bang for the buck! Roll up your sleeves and put a fresh, neutral color on the walls. You will be amazed!

These are just a few ideas that I hope you find helpful. Feel free to email me or call me and I would be happy to provide you with a personal evaluation.

Lori Cofer Realtor Pullman Wa Real Estate

Lori Cofer Pullman Wa Real Estate

About the Author: The above piece was provided by Lori Cofer, a local Pullman WA Real Estate Agent. Lori can be reached via email at or by phone at 509-330-0086. Lori is happy to assist you in all your Pullman WA Real Estate and Moscow ID Real Estate needs.

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